Media release

Ministers approve employment and social policy aspects of the 2015 European Semester

© European Union
18 June 2015

On Thursday, 18 June, the Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis chaired the meeting of the EU Employment and Social policy Ministers (EPSCO) in Luxembourg. During the meeting the EU Member States discussed the European Semester, youth employment and gender gap in pensions.

The Council discussed the employment and social policy aspects of the 2015 European Semester exercise.

The President of the Council Uldis Augulis, Latvian Minister for Welfare said "Ministers held a fruitful debate on the employment and social policy aspects of the recommendations. The EU is now in the very early stages of recovery, however there are still challenges to be tackled. Member States have implemented important structural reforms and these efforts will continue."

The Council reached a political agreement on the following four guidelines for the employment policies of the member states:

  • Boosting demand for labour,
  • enhancing labour supply, skills and competences,
  • enhancing the functioning of labour markets, and
  • fostering social inclusion, combatting poverty and promoting equal opportunities.

On youth employment, the Council adopted conclusions on the European Court of Auditor's special report on the EU youth guarantee scheme and took stock of implementation at the EU level, including the youth guarantee and the European alliance for apprenticeships.

It took note of progress reports on the women on company boards directive and on the equal treatment directive, and adopted conclusions on equal income opportunities for women and men: Closing the gender gap in pensions.

Press conference by Uldis Augulis following the meeting of Ministers for Labour and Social policy:

Jānis Rungulis
Spokesperson (COREPER I)