Pleased to meet you! Honestly.

Culture is in the air we breathe. Well-kept traditions plus openness to artistic experimentation and a thriving alternative scene have made Latvia an alluring centre of culture that attracts visitors from all over the world.

Latvia has one of the fastest growing economies in the EU. Latvia is a perfect transportation hub and has other highly-developed industries such as timber and wood-processing; it is also a pioneer in the field of digital solutions.

Everyone who visits Latvia is amazed by how green and natural everything is - how it looks, tastes and feels. With vast forests and spacious plains Latvia well deserves its label as one of the greenest countries in the world.

The history of Latvia goes back much further than 1918 when Latvia was proclaimed an independent country, and goes hand in hand with the history of Europe.

The building of the National Library of Latvia - one of the most significant 21st century projects to be undertaken in Latvia - has been chosen as the main venue in Riga for the Presidency events.

If you look into the world of Latvian technology you will definitely find some unique treasures - flying people, auto-follow drones, invisible coats for glass, healing medicine and much more.

Sport is held in high esteem in Latvia. Our fans fly around the world to be present, they stay up late or wake up early to watch broadcasts and they celebrate victories with great ceremony.

If you ever wondered what language Latvians speak, the answer is simple – it is indeed Latvian. Around 1.5 million people use Latvian as their mother tongue.