According to the Prime Minister, it is essential that the EU, Latin American and Caribbean countries re-emphasise the fundamental principles of international relations that are rooted in the UN Charter – sovereignty, non-intervention, territorial integrity, political independence, the rule of law, and human rights. "Unfortunately, events in Ukraine demonstrate that territorial integrity and sovereignty are not self-evident in today's world," said Prime Minister Straujuma.
Terrorism is another challenge that poses a threat to security, the values of a democratic society and citizens' rights and freedoms. "All the countries represented at our meeting should fight together against terrorism in all its forms, whatever the objectives, and wherever it occurs," said the Prime Minister.
Climate change will significantly affect everyone, and Latvia – like other countries – recognises the dangers it poses. This year, international negotiations will determine future policy in this area.
The Prime Minister mentioned that a complex approach is needed to find a solution to drug-related problems, "It is important that the EU, Latin American and Caribbean countries combine their efforts to combat the demand for, and traffic in, drugs."