Media release

EU Employment Committee discussed recent and future employment policy challenges

Meeting of the EU Employment Committee. Photo: EU2015.LV
06 February 2015

During the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) the informal meeting of the EU Employment Committee (EMCO) took place on 4 - 5 February, in Riga.

Draft Council Conclusions on the Annual Growth Survey and draft Council Conclusions on inclusive labour markets were discussed during this meeting, considering also the results of the joint conference of the EMCO and the Social Protection Committee “Inclusive labour markets in Europe: the role of improved job quality and enhanced inclusion”. Discussions were also held on the Joint Employment Report (JER) and the key messages in it. It is planned to have those documents on the agenda of the meeting of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Committee on 9 March 2015.

In response to the invitation by the Latvian Presidency representatives of the World Bank, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) and the European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association (EEA-EFTA) States were giving their presentations.

Emily Sinnott, the representative of the World Bank focused on active ageing in Europe including the challenges related to supporting longer and healthier working lives by giving comparisons with the situation in EU and Latvia. In her presentation she addressed active labour market measures, stereotypes, health situation, pension systems and measures to facilitate higher birth rates.

Juan Menéndez -Valdés, Director of Eurofound, discussed EU labour mobility focusing on both - mobility within the entire territory of the Member States and within each Member State. In his presentation he assessed mobility flows, support activities and impact on social security systems.

Delegates from Norway informed about the measures for active ageing in Norway paying special attention to the role of social partners, the pension reform and measures aimed at securing longer participation on the labour market. The overall employment situation and recent employment policy initiatives in the EEA-EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) were also presented.

Additional information about EMCO.


Marika Kupče
Expert in communication