Media release

Home affairs ministers discuss migration, fight against terrorism and internal security strategy

© European Union
16 June 2015

On Tuesday, 16 June, the Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis chaired the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) in Luxembourg. During the meeting, the EU Member States discussed migration, fight against terrorism and internal security strategy.

Migratory issues  

The Council discussed the different aspects of the European Agenda on Migration and its implementation package. Most delegations welcomed its comprehensive and cross-cutting nature, as well as its mix of immediate actions to address the current crises and the long-term measures suggested that should lead to the establishment of a true European migration policy.  

Minister for the interior of Latvia Rihards Kozlovskis: “Today common understanding was reached among delegations that we need to provide support to those frontline memberstates who are facing the greatest migratory pressure. At the same time it must be recognized that different views continue to exist about the Commission's proposal for relocation of asylum seekers regarding the details.  We still have work to do to reach an agreement that can be implemented in practice. The solution must be practical.”  

Ministers invited the Council's preparatory bodies to continue these discussions with the aim of achieving full implementation as soon as possible. The Presidency will report to the June European Council on the results of these discussions.    

Fight against terrorism  

The Council discussed the implementation of the measures set out in the counter-terrorism statement issued by EU Heads of State or Government in February following the terrorist attacks on European soil.  

Ministers took stock of progress and exchanged views on how to take forward the agreed priorities.  

The Council also adopted conclusions on the Renewed European Union Internal Security Strategy for the period 2015-2020.   

Press conference following the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting


Daiga Holma
Communications and media adviser to the Minister for the Interior
+371 29723599