The conference “Healthy lifestyle: nutrition and physical activity for children and young people at schools” will continue activities initiated by the previous presidencies (Greece and Italy) underlining that nutrition and physical activity are the key determinants of health affecting life expectancy and the quality of life in Europe.
The aim of the conference is to assess progress in implementing strategic documents on nutrition and physical activity in the European Union Member States. The conference participants will also discuss future challenges in order to enhance the implementation of policies striving to reduce childhood obesity and to promote a healthy lifestyle and environment and choices among children and young people.
The conference will be opened by Dr Guntis Belēvičs, the Minister for Health of the Republic of Latvia, Mr John F. Ryan, the Acting Director of the European Commission Public Health Directorate at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, and Dr Gauden Galea, representing the Regional Office for Europe at the World Health Organization. High-level experts in public health, nutrition, sports and other sectors related to healthy lifestyle promotion, as well as representatives from Latvian municipalities, have already confirmed their participation.
The conference is organised by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia in cooperation with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and is co-financed by the European Commission.