
#mindpower: Rainis un Aspazija beenden ihre Videoreise in Rumänien

Mit dem Abschluss der ersten lettischen Präsidentschaft im Rat der Europäischen Union, geht die halbjährige Reise des #mindpower Kurzfilmprojekts durch Europa, das dem 150.Geburtstag der lettischen...

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When I was a child, I had only few toys. I still remember them as well as the magical sounds from the hand-polished bird. I hope it will be a warm memory to someone from me and Latvia.

Beauty of our home, bird songs in the dawn, blue lakes - the memories inspire to create. Sparrow symbolises modesty. Dove bears love, human soul and the world, but the seagull is the symbol of freedom and life journey. My svilpaunieks embodies all of these values because they have a special meaning to my Latvia, too

Latvians see birds as messengers. A lark calls to weddings, a tomtit brings news from soldiers, a nightingale wakes the ploughmen in spring mornings, an oriole is the herald of rain but a corncrake foresees rye harvest. Let it bring the message you're expecting!

God took clay and created human. Ancient Latvian in-between making clay pots created svilpaunieks - just to brighten up someone's day. And to this day we still do it. Is it a tradition? Certainly! But it's also a reminder not to forget to be happy while doing the important things!