Mit dem Abschluss der ersten lettischen Präsidentschaft im Rat der Europäischen Union, geht die halbjährige Reise des #mindpower Kurzfilmprojekts durch Europa, das dem 150.Geburtstag der lettischen...
I dedicated this svilpaunieks to my little daughter Anna. I feel inspired by ducks as they symbolise freedom. They can swim the waters, walk the earth and fly high up in the sky. I wish everyone to let the positive thoughts from the duckling bring back the joyful memories of the mischievous world of our childhood.
This summer we noticed a beautiful and unseen bird in our backyard. Looking it up in the encyclopaedia we found out that it's a hoopoe - a rare bird species nominated as Latvia's Bird of the Year 2014. Celebrating this encounter we turned a piece of clay into this magnificent bird.
I take a piece of Latvian clay and mould it with my hands until a little miracle is born.
Owl symbolises wisdom. Not only the knowledge and skills but also wisdom to see, feel and experience. Let the forest owlet bring you wisdom to see the little miracles in everyday life and appreciate them!