
#mindpower: Rainis un Aspazija beenden ihre Videoreise in Rumänien

Mit dem Abschluss der ersten lettischen Präsidentschaft im Rat der Europäischen Union, geht die halbjährige Reise des #mindpower Kurzfilmprojekts durch Europa, das dem 150.Geburtstag der lettischen...

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Svilpaunieks is so much more than a design item as traditionally both form and function of the whistle matter. I've always stressed the significance of every person's uniqueness, thus, I hope every person will find a svilpaunieks unique to them.

I spent my childhood next to a lake in Kurzeme - a place rich in blue clay. My sister and I moulded everything we wanted from it. Then, we dried our creations, painted them with watercolours and coated them with glue for a glossy finish. To this day, I create little birds with love to make their songs more beautiful!

This svilpaunieks has found its way to you to start your tale with a tune. With 3 different sounds it will be the echo of your inner world and together you'll create a better world even if it's just for a little bit. It's worth a try!

When my wife was a child, her father gave her svilpaunieks made of wood - a forest owlet which soon became Tatjana's favourite toy and thus also the prototype of mine. We believe that the sound of the svilpaunieks will cheer you up and remind you of your childhood.