Culture event

Latvian films at CINEMATEK Brussels

CINEMATEK Royal Belgian Film Archive
Rue Baron Horta 9, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Event dates
May 20 - May 29

Last updated on 11 May 2015, 15.29

At the end of May, the CINEMATEK Royal Belgian royal film archive will host a film series dedicated to Latvia as the country holding the presidency of the EU Council. The series has been created in cooperation with the National Film Centre of Latvia and the Embassy of Latvia to Belgium.

For more information, please visit the CINEMATEK webpage.


20 May 20:30
The Shoe feature film (Kurpe, directed by Laila Pakalniņa, 1998) and Ten Minutes Older documentary short (Vecāks par desmit minūtēm, Herz Frank, 1978) – Salle Ledoux

22 May 22:00
Is it Easy to Be Young? documentary (Vai viegli būt jaunam?, directed by Juris Podnieks, 1986) – Salle Ledoux

23 May 21:00
26 May 19:00
The Constellation of Riflemen documentary (Strēlnieku zvaigznājs, Juris Podnieks, 1982) – Salle Plateau

24 May 17:00
29 May 21:00
The Three Musketeers animation film (Trīs musketieri, Jānis Cimmermanis, 2005) – Salle Plateau

25 May 19:00
27 May 19:00
28 May 21:00
The End of an Empire documentary (Impērijas gals, Juris Podnieks, 1991) – Salle Plateau
