Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference
20 May 2015

Opening of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference. Photo: Toms Norde, State Chancellery of Latvia

Ms Laimdota Straujuma, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia. Photo: Toms Norde, State Chancellery of Latvia

From left to right: Mr Krzysztof Bobinski, Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum; Ms Sandra Kalniete, Member of European Parliament; Mr Oleh Rybachuk, former Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine; Mr Ales Bialiatski, Chairman of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre “Vyasna”; Mr Juris Poikāns, Ambassador-at-Large for Eastern Partnership. Photo: Toms Norde, State Chancellery of Latvia

Andris Sprūds, Director of Latvian Institute of International Affairs. Photo: Toms Norde, State Chancellery of Latvia

Opening of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Conference. Photo: Toms Norde, State Chancellery of Latvia

Left to right: Andis Kudors, Member of the board of Centre for East European Policy Studies; Laimdota Straujuma, Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia and Andris Sprūds, Director of Latvian Institute of International Affairs.Photo: EU2015.LV

Left to right: Andris Sprūds, Director of Latvian Institute of International Affairs; Kakha Gogolashvili, Director of EU Studies at the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies; Olexiy Haran, Founding Director of the Kyiv Mohyla University School of Political Analysis; Christian Danielsson, Director General, European Commission, DG ELARG; Ian Bond, Director of Foreign Policy at Centre for European Reform and Matthew Rojansky, Director, Kennan Institute. Photo: Paul Ank (Flickr)