Wirtschaftsforum der Östlichen Partnerschaft

21 Mai 2015
Opening of the Eastern Partnership Business Forum. Photo: EU2015.LV
President of the Republic of Latvia H.E. Andris Bērziņš. Photo: EU2015.LV
Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB). Photo: EU2015.LV
Vitālijs Gavrilovs, President of the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and Vice-President of BUSINESSEUROPE. Photo: EU2015.LV
Jacek P. Krawczyk, President of the Employers’ Group at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Photo: EU2015.LV
Eastern Partnership Business Forum: Plenary discussion 1. From left to right: Prof. Dr. Rainer Lindner, Managing Director of the German Business Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (Ost-Ausschuss); Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE; Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations; Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia; Alexander Zaborovskiy, First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus; Elgua Meladze, President of the Georgian Employers’ Association (GEA). Photo: EU2015.LV
Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations. Photo: EU2015.LV
Eastern Partnership Business Forum: Plenary discussion 1. Photo: EU2015.LV
Eastern Partnership Business Forum Press Conference. From left to right: Vitālijs Gavrilovs, President of the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and Vice-President of BUSINESSEUROPE, Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations and Markus J. Beyrer, Director General, BUSINESSEUROPE. Photo: EU2015.LV