Wie lassen sich innereuropäische Mobilität und zirkuläre Migration verbessern? Stärkung des Engagements der Diaspora

13 Mai 2015
Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Photo: EU2015.LV
Opening of the conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Pēteris Elferts, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. Photo: EU2015.LV
Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Photo: EU2015.LV
Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Special intervention by Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe. Photo: EU2015.LV
Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Photo: EU2015.LV
Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Aldis Austers, Chairman of the "European Latvian Association" and Vice-President of the "Europeans Throughout the World". Photo: EU2015.LV
Conclusions of the Conference on Intra-European Mobility and Circular Migration. Aldis Austers, Chairman of the "European Latvian Association" and Vice-President of the "Europeans Throughout the World" and Pēteris Elferts, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. Photo: EU2015.LV