Informelles Treffen der Minister für Arbeit und Soziales
21 April 2015

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Vice-president and Commissioner for the Euro and Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Algimanta Pabedinskiene, Minister of Social Security and Labour of Lithuania. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Jenni Karjalainen, Special Advisor to the Minister of Employment of Finland. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Sándor Szabó, Director of Employment and Social policy, Health and Foodstuffs of the General Secretariat of the Council. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Michel Servoz, Director-General of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Paolo Trichilo, Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-president and commissioner for the Euro and social dialogue. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Peter Faross, Secretary General of UEAPME. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Andreas Ashiotis, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Employment, Welfare and Social Insurance of Cyprus. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Robert Eriksson, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Marina Kasunić Peris, Assistent Minister at Ministry of Labour and Pension System. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Edeltraud Glettler, Director General at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Marita Ulvskog, Acting Chair and 1st Vice Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Radoslaw Mleczko, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Ylva Johansson, Minister for Employment of Sweden. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Jill McKenzie, First Secretary at the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Equality of UK. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and Social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Boris Zürcher, Head of the labour directorate at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Liviu Marian POP, Minister for social dialogue of Romania. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Nathalie NIKITENKO, Delegate for the European and International Affairs of France. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Krzysztof Stanislaw Balon, Member of EESC . Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms MARTINA VUK, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Slovenia. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Valeria RONZITTI, Secretary General of CEEP. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Henrik Dam Kristensen, Minister for Employment on Denmark. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of European Trade Union Confederation. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Tomás Burgos Gallego, State Secretary for Social Security of Spain. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Egle Käärats, Deputy Secretary General on Labour Policy of Estonia. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Branislav Ondruš, State Secretary of Labour, Social Affairs and Family. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidar Economy. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Roel Gans, Director International Affairs at Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment of Malta. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Mr Olivier Belle, Deputy Permanent Representative at the Permanent Representation of Belgium. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Ana Reis, Social Affairs Counselor at the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the EU. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Uldis Augulis, Minister for Welfare of Latvia, and Ms Ourania Antonopoulou, Alternate Minister of Social Solidarity. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Family photo. Photo: EU2015.LV

Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Labour and social affairs. Press conference. Photo: EU2015.LV