Programme culturel

Le voyage avec le projet #mindpower élaboré en l’honneur de Rainis et d’Aspazija s’achève en Roumanie

Avec l'achèvement de la première présidence lettone du Conseil de l'UE, le voyage de six mois à travers l'Europe du projet de courts métrages #mindpower élaboré en l’honneur du 150e...

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You can find svilpaunieks in an old tale. Nobody knows how it has started and when it will end. When you blow the svilpaunieks, you can hear that once upon a time… and now it's your turn to continue the tale because the magic whistle is in your hands!

This svilpaunieks has found its way to you to start your tale with a tune. With 3 different sounds it will be the echo of your inner world and together you'll create a better world even if it's just for a little bit. It's worth a try!

Owl symbolises wisdom. Not only the knowledge and skills but also wisdom to see, feel and experience. Let the forest owlet bring you wisdom to see the little miracles in everyday life and appreciate them!

Latvians see birds as messengers. A lark calls to weddings, a tomtit brings news from soldiers, a nightingale wakes the ploughmen in spring mornings, an oriole is the herald of rain but a corncrake foresees rye harvest. Let it bring the message you're expecting!