Réunion ministérielle UE-États-Unis sur la justice et les affaires intérieures
03 juin 2015

Doorstep of Ms Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Ms Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Rafael Fernandez-Pita Y Gonzalez, Director General of the General Secretariat of the Council. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Félix Braz, Minister for Justice of Luxembourg. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Robert Mark Wainwright, Director of Europol. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Ms Michèle Coninsx, President of Europol. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Mr Gil Arias Fernandez, Deputy Executive Director of Frontex. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia, and Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia, welcome Ms Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, US Department of Justice. Photo: EU2015.LV

Mr Rafael Fernandez-Pita Y Gonzalez, Director General of the General Secretariat of the Council. Photo: EU2015.LV

Press conference. Left to right: Ms Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality; Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship; Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia; Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia; Ms Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, US Department of Justice; Mr Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Photo: EU2015.LV

Press conference. Left to right: Ms Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality; Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship. Photo: EU2015.LV

Press conference. Left to right: Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship; Mr Rihards Kozlovskis, Minister for the Interrior of Latvia; Mr Dzintars Rasnačs, Minister for Justice of Latvia. Photo: EU2015.LV