Media release

Conference to focus on sustainable and knowledge- and innovation-based economic growth

12 February 2015

In the presence of the Minister for Education and Science, Mārīte Seile, the international conference "Smart Specialisation Strategy: New Approaches for Partnerships among Education, Research and Industry in Regions" will bring together international experts, policy makers, academics, scientists, as well as entrepreneurs and non-governmental organisations.

The conference will focus on Smart Specialisation Strategy which is a policy for a sustainable and knowledge- and innovation-based economic growth.

Within the framework of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the conference is organised by the Ministry of Education and Science and the State Education Development Agency.

Smart Specialisation is a strategic approach to economic development through targeted support to Research and Innovation. The Smart Specialisation Strategy for Latvia is included in the Research, Technological Development and Innovation Framework 2014-2020 according to which Structural Funds will be invested in Latvia.

The Member of the European Parliament, Lambert van Nistelrooij, and the State Secretary of the Minister for Education and Research of Norway Bjørn Haugstad, will address the audience in the conference and the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Creţu, will give a speech via video conference. The objective of the conference is to build a stronger link between National/Regional Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation and the priorities set by the Europe 2020 strategy. The focus will be put on the synergy among cohesion policy, Horizon 2020 and national financial instruments. Another issue to be addressed during the conference is the development and the increasing of innovation capacity for SMEs. Competitiveness in Europe, including the development of research and innovation networks, is one of the overarching priorities for the Latvian Presidency.

Latvia has defined five Smart Specialisation directions:

  • knowledge-intensive 'bioeconomy';
  • biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutics and biotechnology;
  • smart materials, technologies and engineering systems;
  • smart energetics;
  • information and communication technologies.

Latvia is open for international cooperation in the fields of research, in which it shares a common potential with other countries. In this regard, the conference will be a significant opportunity for the exchange of experience. More information on the conference "Smart Specialisation Strategy: New Approaches for Partnerships among Education, Research and Industry in Regions".


The conference is organised with the support of EEA Grants and Norway Grants.

Ieva Nora Fīrere
Expert in communication